Globalists Using CBDCs, DNA, Climate Change, and ESG Against Us
1020 views • 9 months ago

There are so many tools in the Globalist Elite Cabal's toolbox, it's seemingly impossible to keep up with it all. It's important that we tackle each issue one at a time while also knowing that efforts to fight one may help us to fight several.

On today's episode of The JD Rucker Show, we look at some of the many machinations that are ramping up in real time all around us. Central Bank Digital Currencies are getting the hard push by the IMF. Our DNA is being collected whether we like it or not and can be used to literally kill us. Climate change is being positioned as a "skeleton key" through which the World Health Organization can control literally everything. ESG is shifting to include oil companies so they can usher in the new "green" initiatives.

It's a lot to take in, and that's just for the first hour of today's show.

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